Between the past and the present - H A M A

Between the past and the present

Handmade embroidered antique old 50+ old years old. Stay stitched to the canvas, so you still can own the necklace if you need to get rid of the canvas. 




Hama’s vision creating this piece of Art:

It is your journey; between the past of whatever our ancestors have done to us and your own past journey (the antique piece), and the present with the handmade stitches in different places in different colors coming out in- tiny steps- or -big leaps-, - downfall-  or -up high-, ;(this is your touch, your mark ). with all the layers and paths we have to go through ; the smooth or the limp road. We decide how to deal with it, how to surrender or to overcome it. We make our own path with our own signature , because we own it. I own it, you own it.  So make sure you make your own touch, your own signature. Own your own life , because no one else should.



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Category: decor

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