Since October 2023: Every Purchase is a Lifeline for Gaza and Jordan's - HAMA Fashion

Since October 2023: Every Purchase is a Lifeline for Gaza and Jordan's Nakba Survivors

Since October 2023: Every Purchase is a Lifeline for Gaza and Jordan's Nakba Survivors

Since October 2023, we have made the commitment to donate 100% of our profits to help the people of Gaza, their families, and those most in need. This decision was made in response to the ongoing crisis, as we saw our communities facing unimaginable hardship. Every purchase made through our brand is now a donation that directly supports those struggling to meet their basic life essentials. But that’s not all—your purchase also helps the survivors of the Nakba, who live in refugee camps in Jordan.

Why This Matters Now More Than Ever

Our team in Gaza, composed of artisans and their families, is facing an unprecedented crisis. They have lost loved ones, homes, and access to basic necessities like food, water, and medical care. With every item sold, we are able to provide them with urgent support: meals, clean water, healthcare, and essentials to help them through these devastating times.

But the impact of your purchase doesn’t stop there.

In Jordan, we also work closely with talented embroiders who are survivors of the Nakba, living in refugee camps. These women rely on the work we provide not only for financial stability but for a chance to live in a violence-free environment. Every purchase you make helps us continue employing them, offering them a dignified life and hope for the future.

How Every Purchase Makes a Difference

When you buy from us, you’re not just receiving beautifully handcrafted pieces—you’re making a meaningful impact in two crucial ways:

  • Support for Gaza: Your purchase provides food, clean water, medical supplies, clothing, and other life essentials to those most affected by the crisis in Gaza.
  • Support for Nakba Survivors in Jordan: You’re also helping provide financial stability to embroiders in Jordan’s refugee camps, offering them a violence-free environment where they can work with dignity and hope for a brighter future.


Continuing Our Mission

Our journey to support these communities is ongoing. As long as there are families in need in Gaza and embroiders in Jordan’s refugee camps who rely on this work, we will continue to dedicate all our efforts to making a difference. Every purchase you make is a lifeline, offering support, stability, and hope to those who need it most.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Thank you for standing with us, and thank you for standing with Gaza and Jordan’s Nakba survivors.